Wellbeing Newsletter

Student Wellbeing

Our school wellbeing support person is Sarah Strachan.  She is onsite 2 days a week (Wednesdays and Thursdays).  

Families interested in having their child see Sarah will need to sign a consent form.

Sarah's email address is : wellbeing.thepatch@gmail.com 

Please feel free to contact her and start a conversation.

Last updated: June 2024

KidsMatter at The Patch!

This year, during every lunchtime play, there will be two or three Grade 5/6 KidsMatter students stationed at the Buddy Bench.  Their job will be to help other students with issues such as not being able to find a friend, or solving small disputes about taking turns or rules of a game. Sometimes, students just need someone to listen. If students cannot find anyone to play with, there is also a backpack of activites that students can do. Thank you to the KidsMatter Student Action Team, who has given up at least one lunchtime per fortnight to help other students at The Patch PS.

Two of our students doing their first shift on the Buddy Bench.

"We are members of the senior KidsMatter team. Our main aim is to make our school a better place! We have started a new program for children in the playground when they are having problems with friends or have no one to play with. We will be around the Buddy Bench in brightly coloured vests helping your children. Thanks!"
 By Tameem & Amy