Before and After School Care at The Patch
Before and After School Care at The Patch Primary is run by OSHClub; one of Australia’s leading providers in Before and After School Care services. Our aim at OSHClub is to form strong, collaborative partnerships with our schools, their community and the families that attend our services.
What was previously 'Before School Care' is now known as 'Rise Then Shine' with the idea being that students can wake up slowly at OSHClub, prepare and eat a nutritional breakfast, and then head off ready to take on the day! In addition to this, 'After School Care' has made the change to 'Stay and Play' to reinforce the notion that students should have the opportunity to be themselves and explore their interests through play-based experiences with their friends. Our Adventure Box has added another layer to this with students being able to select out their own adventure cards and run the tasks themselves, increasing their sense of ownership within the program.
More specifically about The Patch OSHClub:
Here at The Patch OSHClub we strongly believe in building strong foundations and active members of society. We aim to achieve this through offering activities that help children to become strong, confident, and independent. Our routines have been designed and implemented with the support and contribution from parents, guardians, and our children.
Our sessions are structured to increase children’s sense of agency and belonging, this is achieved through having structured ‘stations’ time; a period of time where children can play independently or with their friends with activities that have set up and are facilitated by staff. These activities include craft, construction, and games.
Each session we run a group game; this is where all students and staff play an active game together. We decide which games we are going to play each week through our children’s meetings and through children’s choice. Children’s meetings and children’s choice provides children with the opportunity to contribute their ideas to the service.
Food at The Patch OSHClub:
We pride ourselves on providing children with healthy, tasty and nutritious food for both breakfast and afternoon tea.
Our selection of food for breakfast includes but is not limited to low-sugar cereals, wholemeal or multigrain toast, fresh water, milk, lactose free milk and soy milk. We have introduced a breakfast club recently, where children get to cook their own meals everyday, this can include scrambled eggs on toast, fruit smoothies or even vegan blueberry pancakes.
Snack Squad is always made fresh in service by our children. Our afternoon is always accompanied by a fresh fruit and vegetable platter and fresh cold water. Some of our children’s favourite snack squad meals include mini pizzas, toasted sandwiches, salad spiral wraps and pumpkin soup.
Our menus are designed weekly with children providing suggestions for the following weeks snack squad. We cater for any special dietary requirements, including children with allergies or cultural needs.
Vacation Care at The Patch OSHClub:
We also offer Vacation Care here at The Patch OSHClub. During the vacation care period we offer an incursion and excursion weekly. Our incursions and excursions are chosen through conversations with the children and their families. We aim to offer different excursions and incursion each vacation care period to ensure children have a variety of choices when attending our vacation care program.
Each day of vacation care is themed, with a minimum of eight activities planned throughout the day that reflect the theme. We offer a range of activities including physical and active activities, craft activities, construction, and cooking. Children have the choice to participate in the plan activities that are facilitated by staff or they can participate in self directed play. It is our aim that children who attend vacation care are continuously presented activities to participate in.
Every day we have FitKids planned. This is a designated time where everyone comes together; children and staff, to play a group game. We have children put forward game suggestions; then as a group we vote on which game we would like to play that day. FitKids is a fantastic time for children to interact with all other children at the service and build new relationships. We endeavor to spend as much time as possible outside playing on the ground, running around on the oval or even exploring the nature walks that are hidden throughout the school.
Enrolments and bookings:
Enrolments and booking can be made online through our secure system available through our website ( or by calling our Customer Service and Billing Team.
There is no enrolment fee, so it is a clever idea to enrol your children, so if you ever need care, we already have your details
Service hours:
Our service hours are as follows:
Before School Care: 07:00 am – 08:45am
After School Care: 3:30pm – 6:00pm
Vacation Care: 07:00am – 6:00pm
Once your child is enrolled at The Patch OSHClub, you can make recurring bookings online, or if you need a last-minute booking, you can always call our Coordinator Meagan on 0400 708 773 and our team will book your child in at the earliest convenience.
For more information of session fees or the Child Care Subsidy, please feel free to call our Customer Service and Billing Team on 1300 395 735.
The Patch OSHClub:
For any enquiries please feel welcome to call our Coordinator Meagan on 0400 708 773 to discuss all things related to The Patch OSHClub or to organise a visit to meet our staff and see the service.
Meagan and Amy,
The Patch OSHClub Team
Before and after school supervision arrangements / yard supervision:
Student safety at The Patch Primary School is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.
Before school: School grounds are supervised at the drop-off point and basketball court areas from 8:45am.
After school: School grounds are supervised at the pick-up point until 3:45pm.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending a before or after school care program or supervised extracurricular activity).
Parents/carers are requested to ensure that students do not attend school outside of these supervised times unless they are attending before or after school care, or a pre-arranged supervised activity (i.e. sports practice).
Families are encouraged to contact our office on 9756 7463 for more information about the before and after school care facilities available to our school community or if you would like any further information about our student supervision arrangements.
For a copy of our school’s Yard Duty and Supervision Policy, contact the school office. This policy includes our school’s student supervision arrangements across the school day, including before and after school.